God the Son, known to us as Jesus Christ, has always existed. He has been with God for ever, and He is God (John 1:1-2). Therefore, when He speaks, He speaks God’s thoughts. Every word or sentence He uttered was straight from the heart of God. Many prophets had been given God’s commission to speak and were inspired by the Holy Spirit for every episode of ministry (Hebrews 1:1-3). But the Holy Spirit’s activity with Jesus was continuous and limitless. God the Son and God the Spirit together were the double witness (required by Jewish law for testimony to be true) on earth of the Father’s heart in Heaven (hence Jesus using the plural ‘we’ in John 3:11).
Father God did not merely send Jesus with a message, but agreed for Jesus to have full responsibility and authority in this world. Colossians 2:9-10 says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”
The reason that Jesus is the focus of the Godhead’s activity on earth is that both the Father and the Spirit have no bodies and are invisible. By contrast, Jesus was given a body in order that God might be known and understood. Jesus always spoke God’s truth and had full authority to carry out God’s rescue mission of the world. Jesus needed a body so that He could die as the substitute sacrifice for the sins of the world (Hebrews 10:5). That is why Jesus willingly consented to be sacrificed on the cross and, through God’s power, He was astonishingly raised from the dead in a resurrection body.
The Apostle John starts his Gospel by making clear who Jesus is. It is only through trusting in Jesus that people can be saved (John 20:31). Let us advertise Jesus - He is perfect in everything He says … so let us advertise Him! Christians and churches will always fail at some point: we are merely imperfect messengers. But Jesus is always true to His Divine nature. Therefore, advertise Jesus, recommend Him to your friends and colleagues, encourage them to read the first-hand accounts of His life in the four Gospels, and invite them to discuss with you who Jesus is. And you can be confident that those who come to believe in Jesus will be saved.