Christian Confidence

1 John 5:20
We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. (NIVUK)

The confidence of youth depends on what we can do, and the confidence of maturity rest on living within our limits, but the Christian's confidence is totally based on Jesus Christ: who He is, what He has done and where He is leading us. As John comes towards the end of this little letter, to Christians who had been unsettled by false teachers, he reminds them of the key truths about the Lord Jesus – so that they might have confidence in a hostile world.

God has come to earth – John knew the truth because he was a close companion of Jesus. During that time, John and the other trainee apostles heard His teaching and understood what God was really like. The disciples were not just Jesus' bag carriers and followers, they were on a training course to be able to explain God's gospel to the world, and they had met Him in the form of Jesus (1 John 1:1).

Trusting in Jesus is not like being a supporter of a sports team; it places us inside Jesus Christ and therefore in His team. We are no longer spectators but participants in the work of the family of God. We are not people who are trying hard to reach God; when we came to Jesus, we were incorporated into God. There is no safer place to be.

Although the false teachers tried to claim that Jesus was only a human prophet, John knew the truth that He is God. The Son of God always was and always will be God. He is eternal and the giver of eternal life. To know Jesus Christ is to know God and be with Him for ever. He alone is the basis of our confidence: while our sins accuse us, the world persecutes us and the devil slanders us … we are safe in Christ. So whatever your circumstances, rejoice that you are shielded by God's power until Jesus comes again (1 Peter 1:3-5).

Father God. Thank You that I can be completely confident because Jesus is my Saviour. Forgive me for looking to my own strength and wisdom and the care of other people before trusting that You will hold me safely because I am in Christ and therefore in Your family. Please help me to grow in the confidence of Your daily protection so that I can be bold for Jesus. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams