Hidden and Revealed

Matthew 11:25-26
At that time Jesus said, 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.' (NIVUK)

Many clever people like to think that, with enough knowledge and skill they can manage their lives and the circumstances around them. Knowledge and understanding strengthens their pride and gives them a greater sense of being in control. But that attitude has no place in God's kingdom. True wisdom leads to true humility; but self-centred learning soon becomes a trap, validating the temptation that knowledge will bring power and security.
Jesus was grateful that the top brains of His day could not understand Him; they would only seek to control Him. Their inability to grasp Divine truth was not because their intellect was defective, but because Father God does not reveal precious things to people who will not treat them preciously. Instead, He shares His heart with humble people who are hungry for truth, even though they may have little education and be ignored in their society.
Father God is really pleased to communicate with people who want to listen to Him. It brings Him joy and glory. He has no problem about speaking to lowly people who honour Him; but He will not reveal Himself to people who simply want to use knowledge to glorify themselves.
The secret of hearing from God is rooted in a willingness to abandon personal pride and be ready to be obedient to whatever the Lord shall command. When He reveals truth, it is not so that human beings can entertain themselves, but so that we can honour and worship Him. So, if you have ever wondered why God has seemed to be distant ... perhaps these verses will point the way to repentance and a new attitude of heart.

God of truth and love. Thank You for revealing Yourself to people who are ready to listen, eager to worship and prepared to obey. Forgive me when I have sought knowledge to boost my ego, and desired truth as a plaything or power tool. Help me to long for Your truth and light in my life so that I may worship You with all of my heart and obey You with all of my strength. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams