On a Dangerous Mission but Cared for

Matthew 10:29-31
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (NIVUK)

Jesus never promised His disciples an easy time. Quite the opposite, but they must not be deterred by opposition (Matthew 10:22) because the Lord will finally vindicate His people. In the meantime, even when they are enduring hardships and persecution, their suffering is known to God and they are cared for ... and so they should not be tempted to be afraid.
Jesus used the illustration of sparrows, little song-birds which were trapped and sold for food. Poor people might buy two of them for a very small amount. Jesus did not comment on the morality of that style of trading, but said that Father God knows every time a bird is trapped, and that none loses its life without His knowledge. They are not just flocks of anonymous creatures, but each one is known and treasured by God. Although death will come to each sparrow in one way or another, God cares for each one until that time comes.
God's knowledge is so detailed that He knows the number of hairs on every head. Nothing escaped His notice; and as the Creator, He keeps a constant check on all He has made. It is because He cares so passionately about everyone He has made. So the disciples needed to learn that when they were sent out, they were highly valued and would never be abandoned. Even when persecution ended in death, they should not fear, but trust that God still held them preciously (Acts 7:54-60).
It is right for us to look after ourselves as best we can, but it is wrong to assume that we can be our own ultimate protector. That responsibility in in God's hands alone; and He does safeguard His people. There will be a time to die, but even that date and the accompanying circumstances are held in the Lord's loving hand. Our responsibility is to continue worshipping and witnessing until He calls us home. Fear will only spoil us and frustrate His purposes; it will impair our worship and impede our witness. So do not be afraid, you are far more valuable to God than you have ever imagined.
Prayer:  Heavenly Father. Thank You for knowing all about me, valuing me and caring for me. I am sorry for the times when I have given in to fear, allowing it to control my words and actions as I try to protect myself. Please free me from my bondage to self-preservation and liberate me into the security of living by faith each day. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Heavenly Father. Thank You for knowing all about me, valuing me and caring for me. I am sorry for the times when I have given in to fear, allowing it to control my words and actions as I try to protect myself. Please free me from my bondage to self-preservation and liberate me into the security of living by faith each day. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams