Appointment with Evil

Luke 4:1-2a
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. (NIVUK)

At first sight, this seems rather strange.  Why should the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, start with a direct encounter with Satan?  It is even more strange that the Holy Spirit is in the lead, escorting Jesus to His appointment with the Prince of Darkness.  Mark puts it even more starkly, "At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness" (Mark 1:12). The word 'sent out' is also used in the gospels when Jesus 'cast out' demons!  So, we know that this encounter with evil was the divinely deliberate, Spirit authorised, essential start to Christ's ministry.

Many people think that Jesus' purpose was to 'do good' and show God's love.  However, that is only part of the story.  Of course, Jesus loved people and did good things because He was God and God is loving, kind and does good things.  But Christ's major commission was not just to show a superior morality.  On the cross, Jesus would deal a fatal blow to the tyranny of evil, and release its captives from the grip of sin and Satan's lies (Hebrews 2:14-15).  So, the desert encounter gave Satan 'notice to quit'; it was the first sign that He would be overthrown (Revelation 12:10).

Some Christians seem oblivious to Satan.  They do not realise how His lies affect what they believe and how they will live (John 8:44).  Other believers are all too aware of the ways in which the devil tries to attack them and disturb gospel ministry, and some of them are scared by the prospect of opposition.  Jesus was different.  He had a realistic assessment of His enemy and was confident in the final outcome of His mission when Satan would be defeated (John 12:31). He dared to invade the darkness because He was the Light of the World (John 8:12), and confronted Satan on his home territory.

The gates of hell cannot resist the progress of Christ’s church (Matthew 16:18).  But this is not a call to arms, nor an incitement to military action.  It is a call to resist the devil and his lies, with truth from God's Word (1 Peter 5:8-9).  Then we can encourage other believers, and tell our friends and enemies, how God saves people from the dark ways of wickedness, by trusting in Jesus.  Of course, this arouses Satan's hatred, and the anger of his agents (Revelation 12:12). However, Jesus was not afraid.  It was all a part of His mission and the Holy Spirit was there to strengthen Him.  In the same way so we should have fresh courage because He is with us (Joshua 1:9).  He has provided spiritual protection for His people (Ephesians 6:10-18) and the same Holy Spirit is leading us too.

Dear Lord. Thank You that Jesus did not only come to teach us how to be good, but to take away the power of Satan and the bad effects of his lies. Forgive me for being frightened when I should be trusting in You. Please help me to walk out into the spiritual darkness each day as one of Your lights in the world. Help me to recognise Satan's tricks and to resist him with the truth of Your Word, so that I can be a light to others – shining truth into a world of lies. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams