Preparation Time

Luke 1:56
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. (NIVUK)

Wise people schedule time to prepare.  Although most busy people have to multi-task (ask any mother of small children), any special new challenge needs dedicated time to rest, reflect, refresh and get ready.  God knew that Mary needed to get ready for her unique role as the mother of God's Son.  But there were other pressures too. A pregnant betrothed girl should have been stoned to death under Jewish law (Deuteronomy 22:23-27), and if her husband-to-be was responsible, then he should also die.  So, Elizabeth's house was a sanctuary against a death sentence, and also gave Mary's father and Joseph time to decide what they might do.

Of course, Mary would not have known about Elizabeth's miraculous pregnancy, 65 miles away from Nazareth in a hillside village outside Jerusalem, unless the angel Gabriel had told her (Luke 1:36).  It was all in God's plan to provide a refuge for Mary, with understanding company, as well as Mary being a practical helper for Elizabeth.  It was an important opportunity for both women to talk and worship together.  

Elizabeth's prophetic announcements to Mary (Luke 1:41-45) also confirmed what she heard from Gabriel.  And Mary would have been prepared practically for her own labour experience, as her three month's visit would have overlapped the time of John's birth.  During that time, Gabriel also spoke to Joseph enabling him to welcome Mary as his wife, instead of divorcing her (Matthew 1:20-25).  God had a lot planned for those three months!

We must all take time away from our usual routine to understand God's holy purposes.  The Jewish Sabbath or 'Shabbat' simply means 'stop doing'.  It is God's command to His people, one day a week.  But if we disobey that essential creation principle, refuse to meet with God's people for worship and stop receiving His Word - that is a recipe to wear out, burn out and walk out of God's purposes.  Regular sleep and holidays (holy days) are necessary too; and sabbaticals are healthy every seven years.  Mary's example shows how God uses such times to protect and equip us, and others, for the task ahead.  She even wrote a worship song while she was away (Luke 1:46-55).  The busy working world is often afraid to stop.  But believers should be worried if they do not.  It could be very helpful to discuss this with friends and colleagues who love Jesus.  We all need to stop, rest and listen before we can do God's will (Luke 10:38-42).

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for this reminder that I am not designed to work without rest or to fulfil Your purposes without preparation. Forgive me when I work beyond my limits, and then have little appetite for Your Word or fellowship when I am exhausted. Help me to recognise the opportunities You provide for refreshment and renewal, and to plan time to pray and hear Your Word. May I also be able to encourage others to find their strength as they rest in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams