Mercy in God's Hand

Luke 1:50
His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. (NIVUK)

Unlike many god-figures who are worshipped today, the true God has a remedy for human failure: mercy.  Mercy is God's privilege to withhold judgement from those who deserve it.  It is closely linked to grace, which is God's privilege to give blessings to those who could never earn them.  Mary had a realistic view of herself.  Her humility was honest; she was nothing and had nothing, but she feared the Lord and was willing to trust Him.  That is the sort of person to whom God extends His mercy, so that they will not be crushed but lifted up to be usable in His service.

Mary's testimony was that God's character had perfectly matched her situation.  The mighty honour of bearing the Son of God was not a prize for her perfection, but because she feared the Lord and did not trust in herself – that is the reason God could trust her.  Mercy is part of the nature and character of God and is expressed in the Old Testament by the Hebrew word 'hesed', which combines the qualities of mercy, steadfast love, and kindness.   All these come from God and He dispenses them as He pleases.  But this verse implies that there is a condition ... mercy is given to those who treat God as the awesome person He is, and who do not either take His Name in vain or despise His kindness.

King David understood this after he had been proud in counting on the strength of his army and not trusting God.  When the prophet Gad confronted David, the King threw himself on God’s mercy: ‘‘I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.” (2 Samuel 24:14).  David’s Psalm 40:11-12 begs the Lord not to withhold His mercy.  It is only sinners who need mercy.  Mary identified her own sinful unworthiness to match the holiness of God; and wanted her song to be an encouragement to other sinners that God would have mercy on them also.

Mary's example of how to relate with God is an important lesson for us.  Some may treat Him arrogantly, presuming on their own goodness (Luke 18:9-14).  Others may treat Him carelessly presuming on His kindness.  Some may shrink away from Him, wrongly assuming that He has no desire to be kind.  Some may wrap up their worship in such mystery that they have no way of knowing if they are engaging with a loving Heavenly Father.  Some may simply ignore Him and His rightful demands on their lives and lifestyles.  All of these miss the point.  They are at risk of missing the privilege of divine mercy, which is available to those with humble faith, to restore them and prepare them to fulfil God's commands (Proverbs 28:13).  The workaday world does not understand the virtues of humility, awe, fear and mercy; so those who follow Jesus will live a countercultural life.  However, the suffering world needs God's mercy.  When people can see that Christians can both receive and share God's mercy, then a window of hope is opened.

Dear Lord God. Thank You for Your character which longs to display mercy to all who repent and honour You. Forgive me for my pride and all in me that works against having a humble heart. Please help me to humbly trust You, and confess my unworthiness so that I can receive Your mercy, steadfast love and loving kindness - and share with others how they may do the same. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams