Disaster without the Word at Work!

Ephesians 4:14
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. (NIVUK)

The idea of babies being thrown to boiling seas in a gale seems a rather cruel illustration.  But the reality of believers being torn from their security in Christ and churches (the people who belong to Jesus) disintegrating through insecure doctrinal foundations, is observed all too often.  Variants, or more accurately deviants, from apostolic doctrine are found everywhere as people are led by their fleshly desires, encouraged by self-seeking leaders.  

The storm winds are created by so-called 'spiritual' teachers who are double-minded (James 1:6), unable to discern what is true.  They are false prophets (2 Peter 2:1-3).  They make a game of playing with every idea available to boost their own popularity, giving the impression of special wisdom which is reserved for the cult adherents.  Others are deliberately and cunningly manipulative, often seeking money for themselves.   Although they appear genuine, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).  Far from providing godly guidance to help people navigate safely through life and into eternity, their own confusion stirs their listeners into a whirlpool of instability and insecurity.

Without the ministry of humble-hearted and biblically-equipped core leaders, Christians will not know what to believe. That will lead to a lack of assurance of salvation which will sap their confidence in this life, and give little real hope of the next: they will become a prey to all kinds of temptation. Some may be spiritually 'mugged' by those whose so-called 'ministry' gives them a platform for their own agenda, but without any Divine authority. Without the clarity of apostolic doctrine, even the most sincere and well-meaning Christian can be led astray, or simply wander off.

Most of us spend more time in the workplace than anywhere else. That is where we make friendships that either build or destroy us. It is the place where we can be better known than in church, and yet where we can feel more isolated - so that fears can easily grip us, and truth can run in second place to error.  But in many ways, it is the ideal environment to apply Bible truth to life.  That is why church leadership needs to keep a keen eye on the world of work; it is both a potent area to exercise personal ministry and a place of temptation which can snare the firmest church member.  Spiritually supporting people in the workplace is a vital ministry for the church.  The office prayer group or Bible study can have far more impact than you might imagine.  Do you have such a group?  If one exists, can you support it more and use the Bible to help and heal, to make wise decisions and godly relationships? I f not, why not start one?  Without truth in the centre, disaster awaits!

Father God. I need to know Your wisdom each day at work, so that I can live for You rather than fighting against Your way. Forgive me for allowing myself to slip into line with the convenient philosophies that mirror the prevailing culture, rather than standing firm for Christ. Help me to make relationships with integrity, and use Bible truth to make God-honouring decisions. May I intentionally encourage other Christians around me to work to applying Your truth. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams