Full Citizens

Ephesians 2:19-20
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. (NIVUK)

Immigration is a big issue for any government. The right to be a full citizen is rightly guarded, and yet there are foreigners who we believe ought to have the right to stay. The plight of the Ghurkhas who bravely fought for Britain and yet had been denied the right of a home there, brought a wave of indignation: but after a case at the High Court, the UK government made residence possible. However, convicted criminals are denied visas to most countries, and many would say that was right.

But God takes convicted sinners (all human beings) and declares that He wants to give them full rights of citizenship in His heavenly Kingdom. The legalists want to know what good things they have to do in order to qualify (or to jump the queue!). The New Testament apostles (including Paul who wrote this letter) tell us to listen to the Gospel, and believe that a free pardon can be ours as we trust that Jesus died for our sins. It is the same message that the Old Testament prophets wrote about (2 Peter 1:19-20). Both sets of messengers point to Jesus Christ as the centre point of God's plan; the person we must believe in (Acts 4:12). Those who do believe are no longer excluded but welcomed in.

Christians are not only citizens of God's kingdom but have been personally appointed to belong to His ‘household’. This is the family and the personal servants of the King. As believers we have both designations. We have a safe place in God's heart and His home, in His Kingdom and in His service. Nobody can deny us the right of His provision or protection, or pull us out of His hand (John 10:28-29).

Amazingly, Christians are now a part of the largest world-wide, heaven-high kingdom that will ever be. No member can claim any credit - Jesus has won it all for them. No member is any better than any other - Jesus has forgiven all their sins. All have full rights to approach Father God, to be indwelt by His Spirit (Romans 8:9). There are no second-class citizens because all have been adopted as children of the King. Whatever your role, grade or rank at work, you are fully accepted by God Himself, and you are a joint heir with Christ of a wonderful inheritance in heaven (Romans 8:17). That should help your confidence! And the privilege should encourage Godly living and gospel speaking; shouldn't it?

Dear Lord. Thank You for accepting me into Your family and kingdom. It is a great honour that You have given to me. Forgive me for failing to recognise the privileges You have given me, and thereby failing to live as a member of Your household. Help me to live as a good citizen of Your kingdom, at work today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams