Joined up Working

Ephesians 4:15-16
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (NIVUK)

These verses are a stark contrast to Ephesians 4:14 where the 'flexible doctrines' of the false prophets result in dishonest scheming or double-minded instability producing confusion and leading to disaster.  Their motivation is greed, self-advancement or power over people.  It happens in every sphere of life and every style of workplace.  However, that is very different to God's purpose for the church.  The motivation which God implants is love, and the agent of productivity is truth.  Unlike the spin of politics or clever sales talk, the church is designed to grow as people relate with integrity.

God's people are to be like Him: a community in perfect harmony.  Maturity is not marked by competitive individuals striving to achieve the best but by integrated function in which the character of Christ is seen.  Christ's plan is for His people to work together, like the parts of a body; with ligaments of truth (ligaments do not stretch), and muscles powered by love, to make the body function.  The purpose is that every part shall play its part in coordinated action controlled by the Head, who is Christ.  

This principle of 'truth in love' is an essential foundation of the church.  It is not seen in the false prophets: they refuse to love the truth and so they will perish (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).  Some believers claim to love the truth but it is not expressed in obedient action (1 John 3:18).  Some want to reshape truth according to the social dynamic of their society; they do not realise that true relationship is a response to truth (1 Peter 2:22).

Fellowship with integrity is seen in a shared desire to serve the Lord Jesus.  It all starts with true words - the actions follow.  Firstly, we share what is true in the context of a deep love that seeks to build our companions.  Then, movement and growth start which snowballs into a far greater and more glorifying result than we might imagine, with our limited individual resources.  If all the believers in the same office, factory, school, supermarket or hospital could meet and serve like that ... the impact could be extraordinary.  But for those who only know one or two other Christians, don't forget that you already have a quorum!  Matthew 18:19-20 says that the Lord is present and ready with His truth and power even when a duo or trio meet to pray.

Dear Lord. Thank You for Your powerful love which binds true believers and Your powerful truth which helps them to grow and move together. Forgive me for ever thinking that I can live apart from Your Body, the church. Help me to know how best to link with other Christians at work so that we may grow and move together to serve Your purpose. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams