Practising the Truth

Ephesians 5:8-10
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. (NIVUK)

The Bible's challenge, to think and behave differently from the secular world around us, has a reason.  Once we have met the Light of the World, repented of all our dark ways and received Jesus (Revelation 3:19-20), we no longer belong to the evil kingdom ruled by the dominion of darkness (Colossians 1:13).  We have a different master, a different life to live and a different destiny ahead (1 Thessalonians 5:5).  So, it makes no sense if we imitate the behaviour of those in the kingdom from which we have escaped (1 Peter 2:9).  To indulge ourselves with the perverse things that temporarily boost our ego, is bizarre, when we have been saved from their authority.

But this verse goes further.  It does not say that we were in darkness and now are in light – although that is true of every believer – it says that we were darkness and now are light.  Outside of Christ: all we can do is to cover the gospel truth and hide it from others as well as ourselves.  Inside of Christ, and Christ in us: we are light, His light, and wherever we go we glow with 'Christ-lightness'.  That is because the Holy Spirit is at work in our hearts, changing our desires to delight in everything that is good and true (Galatians 5:22).

The light that is shone by Jesus and recorded in the Bible reveals what is true.  It enables us to live without stumbling about in a blind way.  As we live in the light, so we develop a character full of goodness, righteousness and truth.  But how will that be seen?  Well, most of our waking hours are also working hours.  So, the workplace is a primary site for demonstrating the transformation which Jesus has made in our lives.  Where better to be a witness for Christ?  Most of us encounter more people who do not know Jesus, at work, than in any other environment.

Many Christians are looking for guidance.  Some think that there will be special signs placed in obscure places, which only clever Christians can find.  In fact, 'finding out what pleases the Lord' is: the daily discipline of reading His Word and learning to do what He says.  It is living the new life He has brought us into, and practising the practical disciplines in this chapter (Ephesians 4:17-31; Ephesians 5:1-7).  It is also learning to live as a lighthouse, illuminating our community and workplace with Christ's love and His gospel message.  The Lord will then give fresh guidance to those who have started to do what they know to be God's will.  Put like that, guidance is as simple as obeying what you know and trusting that when you have done it, the Lord will show you the next step.

Heavenly Father. Thank You for Your Word which illuminates each day. Forgive me for thinking that I can walk in the light, or even be a light to others when I have not done what You have already told me to do. Help me to be a lighthouse for You, in the workplace as well as at home and church. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams