Not Even a Hint

Ephesians 5:3
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. (NIVUK)

Joshua Harris' book, "Not even a hint", was admired for its boldness in promoting sexual purity.  Its tack was unusual (even among Christian books) in dismissing any thought of 'making allowance for human failings', and underlines this verse as being a demand for sexual purity in Christians.  Of course, the secular world no longer expects absolute standards, and cheerfully separates 'private life' from the responsibilities of public office.  Although the press still makes money out of personal immorality among our celebrities and politicians, there is little expectation that people will be hounded out of office unless they have also scored exceptionally badly against their performance targets.  But it is God who sets the performance targets for Christians. 100% is the only acceptable pass mark; anything less is not a proper standard for God’s holy people (1 Peter 2:9).

Sexual immorality is not the only problem in a lustful world.  ‘Any kind of impurity’ translates ‘uncleanness’ – a catch-all term in the Old Testament for anything which ruins our relationship with holy God.  Jesus used that picture of zealous people who obey religious rules but are greedy and refuse to share what God has given them: "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness.  You foolish people!  Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also?  But now as for what is inside you – be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you." (Luke 11:39-41)

Greed has the same selfish motivation as sexual immorality. The principle is the same: greed and immorality both say that what God has provided is not enough.  Therefore, we wrongly believe that we can redefine God's Word to justify satisfying our desires in the way we choose.  We think that it is our right to get what we want for ourselves, to keep as much as possible and refuse to give away what God has kindly given to us.  This strikes against the core of God's character.  It says that His Word is wrong, His provision is not enough, His knowledge of our needs is faulty.  It says His wisdom is faulty when He gives or withholds certain benefits at a particular time, or on His ability to provide for us in power.  What blasphemy!

Wherever God's people are found (at home, in church or at work), they are to be holy, and content that if God thought that He should provide anything more or better - He would.  In this sin-weary world, Satan still launches the same attacks as he did in Genesis 3:1-5.  He wants us to doubt God's Word (Genesis 3:1), God's authority (Genesis 3:4) and God's provision (Genesis 3:5).  Those doubts seem to validate idol-like addictions to all kinds of off-limits activity.  And yet so much of the working world assumes that selfish greed brings reward. They do not know that such reward will not extend into eternity.  So, keep following Jesus and do not allow a hint of anything which will spoil your relationship with Him.

Father God. I recognise that I can never be fully satisfied by this world, and that You generously and sufficiently provide for all my needs. Forgive me for the times when I have doubted Your wisdom or goodness; when I have chosen to get for myself what You have not given, and when I have refused to share what You have given. Help me to develop a thankful heart for what You have provided, and please work in me to resist the lust to satisfy my desires by myself. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams