Giving Grief

Ephesians 4:30
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (NIVUK)

There is a, sort of, unwritten rule in most businesses that says: you are not supposed to be hurt or upset by anything that your boss or employees do or say.  If it exists, it is a silly rule because we do get bothered by poor or painful interpersonal relationships.  So much so, that the bad feelings can easily dominate, not only our work, but also our whole outlook.  That is real life, however much we cover it up. Sin destroys relationship (1 Kings 13:34) and how we function depends on how we relate with others (1 Corinthians 12:25-26).

It is the same with the Holy Spirit. He has been given to every believer (Romans 8:9) and, as a real person, He is grieved when we flout God's commands and ignore His guidance.  God has feelings too (Psalm 78:41).  He loves us, hates evil, is jealous over what belongs to Him (Exodus 34:14) and compassionate to those who are in need (Psalm 145:9).  Christians accept all those gracious characteristics of God.  So why do we think that we can do what we like, resent the Holy Spirit's presence, spurn His help and disregard His safety warnings - and He will somehow grin and cope with us.  No!  That makes Him really sad.  His grief is like ours at the break up of a long-term relationship ... only worse.  It is as though the angels whisper, "How could they treat Him like that!".

Such behaviour is even more shameful when we realise all that the Holy Spirit has done for us. It was He who convicted us of sin, convinced us of the truth of the gospel, brought us to new life in Christ and sealed us as belonging to God's family by coming into our hearts (Ephesians 1:14).   It is that seal which assures us that we will be raised at the Last Day and included in His eternity (2 Corinthians 1:22) with a new body (Philippians 3:20-21).  He speaks God's truth to us through the Bible and is powerfully effective in all parts of our Christian life, from worship to work. All the wrong behaviour that Paul has urged us to 'put off' in this chapter (Ephesians 4:24-29), not only damages us and hurts others, it hurts the Holy Spirit too.

So perhaps it might help if we think of Him being at every meeting, hearing every conversation, scanning every email and even knowing our thoughts before we speak.  Because He is there 24/7 and wants to be a valued part of your working day - anything less will grieve Him and make you dysfunctional!

Dear Lord. Thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit. Forgive me for not realising how much I must hurt Your Spirit, when I disobey You and take my own advice without reference to You. Help me to value Your presence with me by including You in each decision and following Your wise instructions in the Bible. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams