Following Jesus is an active business. He is not interested in us collecting spiritual ideas or even Bible verses, if we have no intention of doing anything about them (Matthew 7:24-29). Truth in the Bible is not an ornament to decorate our minds, or a plaything for intellectual debate; it is God's communication about how we should think and act. Of course, we will need to think about it, and it is good to study it with others, but if there is no practical lifestyle change its purpose has been thwarted (James 1:22-25).
The connection between truth and action is not automatic. The process of translating 'fact to act' begins when we hear the truth. Then we must choose to receive the teaching as being for us (as opposed to being a good idea for somebody else!), and then learn how to do it. A ‘disciple’ is a ‘learner’. Learning to live a new life has its parallels with young people who are severely injured and must learn to walk again. They are instructed but must practise what they are told. Often the therapist will demonstrate so that the patient can copy the movements.
Paul's personal behaviour provided an important example for the church in Philippi: in the same way that every godly believer should be a role model to less mature Christians. Paul was not afraid of telling the believers to follow him in the same way that he followed Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Most of us need to see the truth done, to help us understand how to do it, and as an encouragement that it really is possible. Bridging the gap between theory and practice is essential if we are to become the people God wants us to be - and practised godliness brings God's peaceful presence to the centre of our hearts.
Many people want peace as a calm feeling, but do not understand that true peace cannot be detached from God. To reject Him is to abandon all hope of peace, but obeying Him opens the door to peace - because God is the God of peace. Those who welcome Him welcome peace. They display His presence and become role models to the church. So, look for such people; see how they live, and learn how to be like them. At the same time, others will be looking to you for an example of how to live. The home and workplace is where we show what is in our heart, and even non-believers are looking to see if we can do what we say. Above all, Jesus ultimately showed that what He said, He did. Living in His way, we can have the same confidence which comes from the close presence of the God of peace (1 John 4:17).