Christ's Blessing Travels with Us

Romans 15:28-29
So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ. (NIVUK)

Paul's travel plans were made because of his call from God to preach the gospel, and the inner impulse of his godly ambitions, motivated by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:22).  He had anticipated that his trip to Jerusalem to deliver the humanitarian fund, collected from new Christians in what is now Turkey and Greece, would be a little interlude in his missionary journey.  He then planned to go from Jerusalem to Spain, stopping off in Italy to visit the church in Rome.  No doubt he hoped that they would support his mission and perhaps add additional gifted people to the team (Romans 15:24-27).

As far as we know, he never reached Spain, but he did get to Rome.  Indeed, he spent quite a long time getting there (Acts 24:27) and then living in Rome (Acts 28:30) - not as a guest of the church, but as an imperial prisoner awaiting trial before Caesar.  False accusations by Jews in Jerusalem that would stir up a riot had Paul arrested for causing a disturbance – but the Lord told him that he would proclaim Jesus in Rome (Acts 23:11).

Paul used his Roman citizenship to appeal for a fair trial before the Emperor (Acts 25:11-12).  When he eventually arrived, he did minister to the church as the Lord had commanded and, through his letters, to many other churches and to us as well.  He knew that he must share with them the blessings which he had received from Christ.  He explained the gospel and some were saved including members of Caesar's household (Philippians 4:22); he also shared spiritual wisdom with the church in Rome, and with the other churches as he received news of them and wrote his letters (1 Corinthians 2:13).

Perhaps we often underestimate how many blessings we have received from Christ and how important it is that we should share them.  Wherever we go, the Lord expects us to share blessings on His behalf - not just pious words but gospel truth and physical provisions to meet people's needs.  Even our short journeys and regular friendships should provide an opportunity to share our blessings with others.  When we travel further, we should expect to meet people who are hungry to receive help from God: He has appointed us to be the courier of truth and practical love.  Are you ready to share God's truth and practical blessings with the people you meet today?

Loving Lord. Thank You for so many blessings I have received in Christ and for the prospect that You will provide for me every day until I meet You face to face. I am sorry when I have taken Your blessings for granted or assumed that they were only for my enjoyment. Help me to fully appreciate what You have given me and look for ways to share Your blessings with others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams