Faith in Jesus Christ brings us peace with God (Romans 5:1). As God has already poured out His wrath against our sins when Jesus took them to the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21), there is no wrath left for us. There is no hostility between us and God, the war of rebellion is over, we who were once enemies, have been reconciled (Colossians 1:21-22). The blessings described in Romans 5:1-2, of justification, peace, access to God, joy and hope also bring us joy when we face all kinds of suffering.
In the same way that pain and death was not the end for Jesus, they are not the end for us either. Quite the opposite, in fact. Instead of driving us away from God, troubles are used by God to refine our character and give us hope in Christ. Suffering which comes because we belong to Jesus are a badge of honour and not shame. Paul tells Timothy that he is not ashamed of suffering for Jesus (2 Timothy 1:8-12), because Jesus has far better stored up for him in eternity.
Godly people will rejoice in hardship and not give up. Enduring suffering can never contribute to our salvation, but will strengthen and equip us to serve Him better, and demonstrate our commitment to our Saviour Jesus (Acts 4:13). Despite the difficulties, the Holy Spirit assures us that we are loved and we have a future. In the meantime, God is working in us: as we persevere in His strength, so our character becomes more Christ-like, and as we learn to walk more closely with Him we develop confidence in Him (James 1:2-4).
Our natural inclination is to run from trouble, and despair when suffering continues. But God's Word and His Spirit agree that those who trust in Christ are held in a love which will never let them go (Romans 8:38-39). His love is not just to save us from sin but also to sustain us in suffering. And God uses suffering to achieve His purpose of helping us to depend on Him, so that He can work His miracles in our lives. So, whatever your circumstance, do not despair but give thanks that God is in it (1 Thessalonians 5:18)! Accept that you are privileged to be in God's training programme for greater service, and your future is safe. God knows what He is doing!