Upside-down World

Romans 1:24-25
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is for ever praised. Amen. (NIVUK)

Fantasy can be fun.  Many fictional stories/plays/films/video games invite us to explore unreal worlds where important details are the opposite of what you suppose.  It can be entertaining to grapple with that kind of upside-down world for a little while.  But to live in it would be a nightmare.  Alas, many are living that nightmare right now!  

If we refuse to live in His truth, He ultimately lets us have our fantasy but will not protect us from the consequences of our wilfulness (Psalm 106:13-15).  God seeks cooperation from us in running His world.  In the same way that a carpenter will not blunt a chisel by using it as a screwdriver, we need to recognise that our Creator has made us and our world to function well in ways He has designed.  We are rightly concerned about corporate greed encouraging atmospheric pollution destroying the environment, but less about the pollution of our minds and emotions destroying relationships.  

The Apostle Paul explained that one evidence that God has taken His restraining hand away from a community, is a public acceptance that sexual selfishness is normal and right.  Sex, which God designed to help bind a man to a woman for life, to produce children and a stable environment in which they can grow up - has primarily become a pleasure-making toy for many.  Jesus stated God’s purpose and boundaries for sexual relationship in Matthew 19:4-6, reaffirming the creation purpose of Genesis 2:24.  Instead of binding people together, the pursuit of selfish sex tears creation-bonds apart producing separation and ongoing pain.

That is what happens when we stop living in God's truth and live in a world of lies which suit our appetites.  It is a devilishly destructive plan (John 8:44).  When we treat any part of God's creation as something to be worshipped, instead of submitting to His wisdom in how to use and care for it, we will live in the nightmare of an upside-down world.  Of course, that never stops God being God, who urges us to turn to face the truth with repentance and humble thanks.  Whatever we may think we are all accountable to Him (2 Corinthians 5:10).  That is why the gospel is essential - it is the only good news about how to get out of the nightmare and find peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).  Although people who are living 'upside-down' may claim to have peace, it always slips from their grasp.  So, tell them about Jesus ( tell them today!

Holy Father. I am glad that You know how everything ought to work, and have told us how to use your creation safely, in the Bible. I am sorry for the times when I thought I knew better than You; when I stopped worshipping You because I was worshipping what You have created. I deserve You to remove Your hand of protection, but I plead for Your mercy. Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ please forgive me, and in Your grace restore me. May I learn to turn from a world of lies to live in Your truth and obey Your word. And help me to share Your gospel with my friends and colleagues who do not know how to escape from their upside-down world. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams