The Apostle Paul has been relentless in describing God’s judgement of sin from Romans 1:18-3:20. Much of the writing was addressed to the Jewish-background believers who were basing their spiritual confidence in their knowledge of God’s Law with its heritage and rituals. But none of that could save them or make them righteous before God.
Before Paul delivers the final summarising hammer blow on religious self-righteousness in Romans 3:23, Romans 3:21 echoes Romans 1:16-17. There is a way to be righteous. For centuries past, in the Old Testament, that salvation plan had been described. A baby born of a virgin would become God with us (Isaiah 7:14). He would be cruelly treated and die as a substitute sacrifice for the sins of the whole world (Isaiah 53:4-6) so that all who believe in Him will become His true and adopted children (Ephesians 1:5). He would be the ultimate Passover Lamb who would save His people from their sins (John 1:29).
The Old Testament promises were as equally for the Jews, who failed to keep all of God's written law, as the Gentiles who failed to live up to their own consciences. All are sinners. All have fallen short of what God demands. But equally, all who trust in the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus for their sins are promised that they are counted as righteous before Father God (Galatians 2:16). However much wrong they have done, they are forgiven. Christ takes the blame for them, and they accept His righteousness. God is being just (1 John 1:9); the punishment has been carried out and all those who believe it was for them, are put 'in the right' with God.
What Jesus did was foretold in the Old Testament. His plan was magnificent: to allow Jesus to die - so that people held in the slavery of sin could be redeemed – like the slaves in Egypt released through the blood of the lamb (Exodus 12:21-23) - and those facing God's judgement could know in advance that they will not be found guilty. This wonderful news (the gospel) is for everybody. If you already know it, share it! Workers on building sites, information scientists, homemakers, teachers, retail workers and factory operatives all need to know that if they believe in Jesus, they can be made right with God. It is a huge relief now, and much glory to come!