The Wisdom Of Asking

Matthew 13:36
Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, 'Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.' (NIVUK)

The parable of the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) is separated from its explanation by the parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the yeast (Matthew 12:31-35). Why? The same thing happened before the explanation of the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23) - Jesus encouraged the disciples to come to Him privately to ask its meaning. They needed a secluded space for Jesus' tutorial.
Although the Master was speaking to hundreds, it was essential that the twelve understood. They would be the gospel-bearers after Jesus had gone back to heaven. So, say some, why did Jesus not take the disciples away to some lonely place to teach them? Well, an important part of learning, in order to teach, is to see how other people react to the same teaching; and the trainee apostles soon learned that the crowds understood nothing more than they did, without Jesus’ explanation.
They got used to Jesus' style ... He deliberately left the crowds to make time for a personalised seminar with the disciples. It was rather like Jesus' habit of leaving the disciples to spend time in prayer with Father God. Intentional learning needs 'nothing else time'. No distractions or diversions - only Jesus. It was a habit which they would need during the years of tough ministry which lay ahead. They needed to have uninterrupted time with the Master in order to understand what He was saying.
It is the same today. People in most cultures like to be part of a crowd, but discipleship demands that we are focussed on learning from Christ. Unless we clearly understand God's Word for ourselves, and know we are able to teach it, we will be defective disciples - unable to communicate the gospel to others. The habit of constantly seeking to understand from Jesus is essential for all believers. It shows humility. Refusal to ask Him personally comes from pride. Jesus promised that everyone who asks receives (Matthew 7:7-8). So start a new phase of your life in Christ today and let Him speak to you personally, allowing Him uninterrupted time to provide the answers.

God of truth. Thank You for explaining all that I need to know, when I am willing to ask humbly and set aside time to hear You speak. Forgive me for allowing the pressures of this life to crowd out my time with Jesus. Help me to understand the essential discipline of spending uninterrupted time with You, and help me to do it. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams