Too Late

Matthew 25:10-13
But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. "Lord, Lord," they said, "open the door for us!" But he replied, "Truly I tell you, I don’t know you." Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. (NIVUK)

This is the second part of Jesus' parable about the wise and foolish bridesmaids. They had waited a long time for the bridegroom who surprised them by his unexpected arrival, in the middle of the night. The wise ladies had prepared themselves with extra oil to fuel their lamps, just in case it was necessary. The foolish ones had to go out to buy oil but when they got back, the lamp-lit procession from the bride's house to the home of her new husband was over. The doors were locked. They were too late.
It was a private family celebration, but would have attracted all sorts of people who wanted to join in. However the bridegroom did not know them and refused them entry. They had not been introduced to him by the bride; they had not accompanied the joyful procession through the darkness; they had not contributed any light to illuminate the road. They were unknown and unwelcome. Whatever their excuses, they were not prepared and not included.
Jesus said it was essential for His disciples (the apostles of the Early Church) to live expecting His return at any moment. Indeed, His return had to be the focus point of their ministry: otherwise the church would degenerate into a self-satisfying club preoccupied with meeting their own needs. Instead, each believer should learn to live as a temporary citizen of earth, pleasing the King of heaven and illuminating this dark world with the truth of His love. They were commanded to 'keep watch' – always be ready. Jesus could come at any moment. We do not know which day or what time.
If we love Jesus we should be eager to meet Him. Some people say that God loves everybody (which is true) and so He will not reject anybody from His eternal home (but that is not true). Jesus is clear that He will refuse to welcome anybody to His home who has not previously been part of the bridal party (the people who have asked to be made clean through the blood of Jesus). It is an eternally dangerous fantasy to think otherwise; and dangerous for others if we assume that we have no responsibility to urge them to repent and receive Jesus before He returns. So today is a good day to get real in our relationship with Jesus, and encourage our friends and colleagues to turn to Him before it is too late (see

Loving God. Thank You that Jesus has already paid for my sins when He died on the cross. I am sorry that I have been so preoccupied with my own responsibilities and interests that I have forgotten that I am a temporary resident on earth because I am already a citizen of heaven. Please help me to refocus on Your priority for this world: the salvation of all who come to Jesus in repentance and faith, and who are looking forward to His return. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams