They Came To Hear Jesus

Matthew 13:1-2
That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. (NIVUK) 

No house was big enough to accommodate all the people who wanted to hear Jesus. The Master left the home where He had taught about the difference between the Holy Spirit and evil spirits (Matthew 12:22-50), and went to the shore of Lake Galilee with His disciples. As they went, many other people followed; and as the news spread a large crowd gathered to hear Him.
Religious teachers in Israel sat to teach, but soon Jesus was surrounded by so many people that He could not be seen or heard. So He got into a boat and had it moored out a little way from the beach. He sat in the boat and began to teach them many things. The water acted as an acoustic reflective surface, everybody could hear what He was saying and there was plenty of room for more people to listen to God's Word.
Jesus had not forced anybody to be there, but what they knew of Him and His character drew them. They wanted to hear whatever He had to say. Their tradition respected the Teacher and while He sat, they would stand for hours listening to God's wisdom. It was no imposition on their busy lives but an intense privilege to hear the Word of God.
Do we have the same attitude to God's Word? Are we hungry and thirsty to hear from God? Do we expect Him to reveal important and essential truths? Is it worth our while to stop what we are doing in order to listen to Him (Luke 10:38-42)? It is a huge privilege to hear the voice of God as He continues to speak through the Scriptures. Let us come to hear Jesus; not because we are forced through some religious obligation but because our souls are hungry and cannot be satisfied without His Word. Our choices demonstrate our values. Choose to invest in your relationship with God today by making the time to hear Him.

Lord of all. Thank You for the drawing power of Your truth, and for the example of the many people who were prepared to stand for hours to honour Jesus and to learn from Him. I repent of a careless attitude to Your Word: using it to make me feel better, but not investing my time and energy into it so that I may become more useful to You. Please give me a new desire to hear Your voice as I read the Scriptures, and the discipline to change my diary in order to make that happen. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams