Slow to Understand

Matthew 12:5-8
Or haven't you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent? I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. If you had known what these words mean, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.' (NIVUK)

Jesus had been accused by the Pharisees of allowing His disciples to break God's Law. But they had not. They had broken the extra rules made up by the Pharisees, but those had no validity and did not have God's authority. The religious leaders believed that the more rules they could keep, the more pleased God would be with them - so they added extra clauses to God's law, until the ordinary people had no idea what had come from God.
The religious leaders claimed to know God's Word but ignored the parts which did not suit their way of thinking. In other words, they thought that they knew better than God. The Old Testament priests prepared food and ate it on the Sabbath and God was not cross with them; so why should He be angry when the disciples plucked a few ears of corn and rubbed the husks off in their hands before eating a little snack?
The Pharisees did not understand that God was for people, and not against them. Neither did they understand that religious observance was offensive to God if they failed to be merciful to the needy. So Jesus presents Himself as the Person who has the right to interpret God's Word - indeed ... because He is the Word of God (John 1:1-3).
Today, many people are expressing their views about what pleases God. However, we all need to come back to Jesus. Without His opinion we can have no wise understanding. Theologians, philosophers, mystics and the deluded can all express their thoughts; the internet is full of them. The important question is, "What did Jesus and his authorised Apostles say?" He has the right to determine what pleases God. Condemning the innocent is wicked, but unless we see God's heart through Jesus' eyes - we will make wrong judgements and condemn ourselves.

Holy God. Thank You that You are always right and that Jesus always spoke the truth. Please forgive me for making up what I think is right, when it does not please You and does not have Your authority. Give me a fresh desire to read and understand Your Word and then to do what You are commanding me in the Scripture. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams