Saving Faith Trusts Christ's Authority

Matthew 8:11-13
I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' Then Jesus said to the centurion, 'Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.' And his servant was healed at that moment. (NIVUK)

Religion puts people in a cosy bubble; they think that they are safe with God because they keep most of the rules and are like the other people in the group. But that can be a dangerous illusion. Jesus said that His kingdom would contain people from every part of the world who looked towards him like Abraham did (John 8:56). However many of the 'chosen people' were self-satisfied with their religion and had no real relationship with God. That was demonstrated as they rejected the Son of God and refused to submit to His authority.

On the other hand, the Gentile Roman centurion was congratulated by Jesus for his faith. Although the pagan military commander was despised by the Jewish people (who thought God could never welcome a man like him), he demonstrated true faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 8:5-10). That soldier understood the nature of authority: it operates by commands which must be obeyed. So the centurion's servant's illness would not be a problem for Jesus. If Jesus would command the healing, the servant would be made well. He did, and the young man was healed instantly.

But many of the religious people rejected the words of Jesus - words which could save them. So Jesus predicted that they would be rejected on Judgement Day, giving a graphic description of their fate. The key words were 'outside' (the religious people thought they were on the inside of God's favour); 'darkness' (they thought they were in God’s light; 'weeping' (they assumed that God would release them into the joy of heaven); 'gnashing of teeth' (they believed that they had nothing to regret).

Whatever people say about their religion or lack of it, the only thing which matters is whether or not they are willing to submit to the authority of Jesus, as God the Son. The only proof of their willingness is that they are eager to obey His commands: that is true faith. It is easy to talk and sing about faith, especially when enjoying the support of like-minded people in a community. The Israelites did that, and yet Jesus condemned them for not accepting the authority of His words and doing them (Matthew 7:24-27). We should never presume that the community of faith will cover our rebellion or unbelief. Faith which counts with God is based on accepting His authority in all things and obeying His Word.

Lord God Almighty. Thank You that You have authority over everything and that Your Word will never fail. I repent of thinking that I do not have to accept Your authority or that it does not matter if I disobey Your Word. Please change my heart so that I will be eager for Your Word to command me and that I will desire to do what You say. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams