Jesus Is Greater

Matthew 12:41-42
The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here. (NIVUK)

Jonah and Solomon both achieved much. Although their historical legacy was a source of pride for Israel, they also had significant faults. Jonah preached judgement to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria which had given much grief to God's people. Despite Jonah's early disobedience in running away (and later discontent when God showed mercy), God used a great fish to transport Jonah back to his mission field, Nineveh (which means 'House of Fish') and the king and people all repented.
Solomon started his reign well. He was humble and asked for God's help; so God gave him great wisdom and great wealth too. His fame spread widely and the world's rulers were attracted to learn from him, including the Queen of Sheba who could only speak well of him. But later, he progressively disobeyed God's Word especially by taking women who did not worship the Lord. Solomon lost his wisdom and his kingdom was divided: it never recovered the greatness God had given in David's reign.
But Jesus was a contrast to both those leaders, although He was both a Prophet (speaking out the Word of God) and King (the appointed ruler of all God's people). Jesus was never disobedient, in His youth or approaching the cross. He never ran away from the purpose which Father God had set before Him. And He was determined to stick to His Father's timetable in reaching the cross. Jesus is greater than Jonah and Solomon in every other way too: but the religious leaders preferred tarnished heroes rather than accepting the sinless Son of God.
Our sin makes us embarrassed by having perfection too close to us. It shows us up for what we are. So we are more comfortable with imperfect heroes and soiled saints. But Jesus is different. We can neither morally bargain with Him nor feel superior to Him. The right thing to do is to submit to Him: we ignore Him or reject Him at our peril. He is not just greater than Jonah and Solomon but the greatest ever, and for all time. So we need to alert our spiritually-sleeping friends and colleagues that Jesus is totally unlike anybody they have ever met or heard about. His wisdom is perfect and His call to repentance is eternally life-saving. To reduce Jesus to anything less is blasphemy, and the greatest folly; to welcome Him is the greatest wisdom.

Holy Father. Thank You for Your love in sending Jesus so that we might see Your holiness displayed, repent of our sins and ask You for wisdom. I repent of my tendency to think of Jesus as less than He is, and for ignoring my responsibility to tell the people around me about Him. Please help me to honour Jesus by worshipping Him, submitting to Him, and by exalting Him with my family, friends and colleagues. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams