God's Appointment

Matthew 26:1-5
When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, 'As you know, the Passover is two days away – and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.' Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. 'But not during the festival,' they said, 'or there may be a riot among the people.' (NIVUK)

The disciples had been briefed. Soon, Jesus would be gone: their job as His apostles was to tell the world about their God and Saviour (John 20:28) until He returned in glory as God the Judge (Matthew chs 24-25). Over the previous year, from just before the transfiguration (Matthew 16:21), Jesus had repeatedly told them that He would die a violent death. He knew that the religious leaders (who claimed to represent God but did not know Him) would demand His execution.
The Lord Jesus Christ knew that He would be executed by crucifixion and knew the timetable, because it was God's plan. He was in control. By contrast, the spiritual leaders of Israel were not. Even though the crucifixion of Jesus was fuelled by their hatred of Him and His obvious authority, they did not know how He would die or when. Death by crucifixion was not in their jurisdiction. Only the Roman authorities could do that. On the other hand, the soldiers turned a blind eye when people were stoned to death. Or perhaps they could arrest Him and kill him secretly.
But it was God's plan for Christ to die publically, so that there would be plenty of witnesses and no doubt (Acts 26:26). Also, He must die on the feast of Passover because He was the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). And the Passover was only two days away. So Jesus told them; later they would be certain it was no accident but God's plan (Acts 2:23). But the chief priests and elders decided that He must not be killed or even arrested during the festival, lest there was a public riot and the Romans stopped trusting them as community leaders. They thought they were in control, but they were not - because they were not God.
How many times have we assumed that the world is in control and that God has no power? How very wrong. The death of Jesus Christ was the reason for His birth. God arranged that it would be a highly public event and planned exactly when it would happen. In the same way He arranges for each circumstance of every child of God (Romans 8:28). Only God knows the future (Satan does not, even though he tell us lies to make us afraid), and only He has the authority to provide everything that we need (Romans 8:32). Believe it; live it; and encourage other believers to do the same. It is the beginning of confidently living in Christ.

Lord of All. Thank You that You are in charge of everything, and thank You for planning the death of Jesus and that You arranged the timetable, for my salvation and blessing. Forgive me when I believe the lies of Satan and fearfully refuse to trust You. Please help me to know that as You have provided for my salvation, You will also meet every need, and meet it on time. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams