Ears That Hear And Eyes That See

Matthew 13:9
Whoever has ears, let them hear. (NIVUK)

This verse comes just after Jesus had told the parable of the sower to the crowds but before the disciples asked Jesus what it meant. Yet by this short sentence Jesus was communicating a series of important truths. Firstly, He was saying that the parable was not just a story for amusement but a teaching from God with a message to be understood. Secondly, the meaning could only be discerned by people who had trained their ears to know what they were listening to. Thirdly, some people would never understand because they would not accept the gospel.
The expression was also offensive to His hearers because 'ears which could not hear and eyes which were unable to see' was the Psalmist's description of idols, and idol-worshippers in Psalm 115:2-8. Isaiah 6:10 uses the expression to describe sin-hardened people who are under God's judgement - they cannot see how to be saved even if they wanted to be - and Jesus confirms this in the following verses (Matthew 13:14-15).
Judgement is on the other side of the coin marked 'salvation'. Those who will not be saved are going to be judged. Not only are idols unable to see and hear, but they prevent living people from seeing themselves in relation to God and hearing the meaning of the gospel. In Israel, although they were devout about their religion, it was no longer the expression of God's truth (otherwise the leaders would have welcomed Jesus), but it had become an idol, a counterfeit god which could never save.
The same is true today. How easily people adhere to religious rites and formulae, assuming that if they do everything right then they will be in favour with God. They are wrong. The gospel says that we are all wicked sinners and too deaf and blind to even know where to look for salvation. The parable of the sower tells us that, naturally, humanity is hard and resistant to God’s word. But when God works on us, we start to hear and understand how to receive the seed of truth. Then then we can respond to Him and start to live fruitful and productive lives (2 Corinthians 4:3-6).

God of light and love. Thank You for working in my heart to enable me to hear your voice and be saved. I am sorry for the times when I have turned to idols and refused to listen to You. Please continue to work in me and in my friends so that we will want to hear and welcome your messages and cooperate with You in the building of Your kingdom. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams