On a Dangerous Mission but keep Moving

Matthew 10:21-23
Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes. (NIVUK)

Family relationships are supposed to be the closest and most precious relationships we have. God has designed us to live in families, to support, help and protect each other. However, the worms of self-centredness, and the sin which comes from it, eat away at the security and love which is fundamental to our sense of well-being.
Jesus said that the most painful sort of rejection - not being cherished by family - would come to His disciples. The more they followed Him, the more some of their families would reject them. Jesus would experience betrayal by one of His disciples; they would be betrayed by siblings, parents and even their own children. The imprisonment, beatings and lonely isolation would be bad enough; but for family to cause it is the worst emotional pain. Some would even die and their family would not care.
Nevertheless, Jesus told them to stay true to Him and keep on witnessing. Persecution might mean that they had to go quickly to another town or country - but wherever they went they took Jesus with them. The gospel they believed in would be powerful to save others too. It would be a lifetime's work but the Lord would have a harvest of many new believers.
Rejection is horrible, especially by family. But if the price of acceptance is to stop following Jesus and serving Him ... it is too high a price to pay. In the end we look forward to Jesus accepting us into His presence as faithful servants. Although it is hard to serve the Lord without the approval of family, it is harder still to bow to the family without the approval of Jesus. But don't forget that this life is not about our comfort, but about bringing glory to the Lord in whom we trust. We only have one life to live - let it be one which extends the kingdom of God.

Wonderful Lord. Thank You for the example of the Lord Jesus and the apostles who persevered under severe persecution. I am sorry for wanting my life to be comfortable with the acceptance of my family and friends - when it is Your approval with really counts. Please help me to endure under hardship and hold to the truth when my family and friends want me to forget about Jesus. Help me to realise that wherever I go I am an ambassador of Your kingdom despite all the difficulties. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams