The Cross Comes Before The Crown

Matthew 16:24-26
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? (NIVUK)

The disciples of Jesus were naturally sinful and selfish – like the writer and readers of Word@Work. Their instincts were to advance themselves and use anyone else including Jesus to do so. Although they were on a training course to be the apostolic leaders of the church, they were more concerned with their own welfare. So when Jesus told them that He would suffer at the hands of the religious leaders and be killed, they could not accept it: surely, they thought, Jesus would become the popular king of Israel and they would share His glory.
But the cross had to come before the crown; it was the same for Jesus and all His disciples. He told them plainly that they had to take up their cross also. Although some, including Peter, would be physically crucified, Jesus meant that nobody could claim to follow Him unless they 'put their own selfish desires to death' (Romans 8:13). 'Taking up a cross' does not mean bravely enduring some imposed suffering, but voluntarily choosing to sacrifice personal well-being and ambition in order to be a servant of Jesus Christ.
Those who pursue their own agenda will lose everything; but those who sacrifice everything for Christ’s sake, will live in the freedom and energy which comes from Him. Chasing after money, popularity and fame will be an exhausting road to nowhere. Gaining the world will be a flawed ambition because death will snatch it all away and remove the selfish soul to hell for all eternity. Discipleship demands that Jesus has everything and yet in choosing to give up the right to rule our own little empire we gain all the privileges as members of His kingdom.
Discipleship is more than going to church, reading Scripture and praying: it is more than giving money and working hard for Jesus. Discipleship is learning the way of Jesus: the cross comes before the crown. If we fight that principle, we lose everything; but as we accept it we gain all He will give to us. Sacrifice does not come naturally – it is supernaturally learned as we submit our lives to Christ. Like all learning we will have to keep on practising. Start today!

Lord God. Thank You for reminding me that You are resolved to teach me the way of the cross, encouraging me to sacrifice what pleases me so that I may gain Your treasure. I am sorry for my selfish habits which have spoiled me and frustrated the grace You would have given me. Please help me to learn how to 'die daily' to my own impulses and desires so that I may become more like Jesus. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams