The Blessing Of Being In The Right Place At The Right Time

Matthew 13:16-17
But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. (NIVUK)

The Old Testament is the story of waiting: waiting for the coming of God's Messiah, Jesus. During that time, people like Abraham, Moses and David longed to see the person who would fulfil God's promise (John 8:56). They believed that He would come but never had the joy of seeing Him. They were commended for their faith and did not know why the delay was so long. In fact, they were waiting for the church to be completed before Jesus returns (Hebrews 11:39-40).
If they had been present when Jesus was alive, how great their joy would have been (Like Simeon and Anna - Luke 2:25-38)! By contrast, the disciples seemed to almost be taken by surprise each time Jesus was in public. They had been taught to expect the Messiah but somehow, with Him in the middle of their group, they could hardly believe what they were seeing (Luke 12:28; John 7:5). Yet, they were seeing the fulfilment to the Old Testament prophecies.
Seeing, and hearing, carries a responsibility. The disciples had to decide the meaning of what they saw and heard. Eventually Peter exclaimed that Jesus was, “the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16). Jesus told Him that his conclusion was not a deduction from human reasoning: it was God-inspired (Matthew 16:17).
Many people think that if they had seen Jesus they would have believed in Him. Not necessarily: most of the crowd of five thousand, who ate the bread and fish, were demanding his execution at the end. But those who did believe were in the right place at the right time; mending nets, at the tax office, listening to a brother or a friend when Jesus came along. We may not realise the daily appointments God is making for us, to help people to see Jesus and respond to Him. But He is getting people in the right place at the right time so that they can respond and be blessed.

God of time and space. Thank You for allowing me to wait in order to develop a hunger for You, and for arranging the time and place where I could respond to Your Word and receive Your love. Forgive me for missing the opportunities You have given to me; and for failing to recognise the appointments You have set up for me. Please help me to trust that You will fulfil Your promises and learn to wait patiently. Help me also to seize the opportunities You give me each day to honour You, recognising that You have arranged the appointment. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams