Authorised Workers

Matthew 10:1
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and illness. (NIVUK)

Working is not so much a right but a privilege. Especially so, when the work area is highly sensitive (security services), dangerous (mining, fishing or hazardous substances) or needs special knowledge (medicine, law, engineering or education). But working for God in His kingdom is the highest of all privileges. There is so much at stake - the salvation of souls, and worshipping the King. So God chooses, trains and authorises His workers.

The twelve disciples had been chosen by Jesus. They had lived with Him, heard Him teach, watched Him perform miracles ... and they had helped Him. But then the time came for them to work without Him being present. Before Jesus gave them detailed instructions about their lifestyle and ministry (Matthew 10:5-42), He personally authorised them to speak and minister on His behalf. They were going to work in His Name.

Without that authority they would have had no right to represent Him, and no power to demolish Satan's works (1 John 3:8): they would have been like so many power-hungry religious leaders, stirring the world but insulting heaven. Don't forget that none of these men had begged to be with Jesus (He usually sent such people away). They had been called away from their usual employment and family businesses to learn (the word 'disciple' means 'learner') how to be His representatives. Before going back to heaven, Jesus reaffirmed that commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Some people today see Christ's authorisation only as an ordained ministry in a recognised denomination, and that process can provide healthy checks to ensure it is God's call. But Christ's authorisation is much wider. The Lord calls all sorts of people; indeed He calls every believer to serve Him with the gifts personally given by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7). He wants for each of us to have a special part in the extension of His kingdom. For many, their ministry will be in the home, office, factory, school, hospital, trading, transport, finance and government. Yes, that may well be their place of work, but they are also called to serve the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24). Please understand that when we become a part of His Kingdom, we also have a work to do ... personally authorised and equipped by the Lord.

High King of heaven. Thank You for saving me, for bringing me into Your Kingdom and for having given to me spiritual gifts which enable me to work for You. I am sorry for the times when I have forgotten my privileged responsibility or despised the gifts You have given to me. Help me to accept Your Holy Spirit's authority to work with You in the situations of everyday life, under that authority and under the guidance of my church leaders. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams