Words Which Last Forever

Mark 13:31
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (NIVUK)

If we take Jesus' words seriously, we realise that this geophysical world (with its surrounding geophysical heavens) is only a temporary construction. Pulled away from our vain assumption that not much will change (2 Peter 3:4-7), we may be shaken into wondering - what then is permanent?  For the disciples, all this teaching so close to Jesus' death must have been overwhelming.  First, He said that all the giant stones of Herod's Temple would be toppled, and the apparently impregnable structure would be destroyed (Mark 13:1-2).  Now He says that the stars, planets and this earth will all come to an end (Psalm 102:25-27).

But this chapter shows His reassurances are never far away. The answer to the question of permanence is simple: only the words of God the Father and God the Son will stand for ever!  God's promised blessings will be poured out in love and the curses will be fulfilled in wrath (Deuteronomy 11:26-27). And God is always watching to ensure that His Word is fulfilled (Jeremiah 1:12).

This is an essential guarantee for our faith too.  Without the Word of God in the Old Testament (validated by Jesus), the Gospel narratives, and the instructions by the New Testament apostles (validated by Jesus), we could have no confidence to navigate through time to eternity.  Jesus claims that His words are the eternal measure of truth, and the only objective reality (John 12:48).  Such a statement puts Jesus in a unique position, infinitely above any religious wise man, prophet or pious philosopher.

In today's spiritual marketplace, where the sentimental, the supernatural and the surreal all compete for hearts and minds, Jesus alone is 'for ever' true.  Even the politics of compromise and tolerance are no match for Him.  It is not good enough to believe that something is true for you - if it is not true for everybody ... and for ever.  In Jesus alone we have words that can never fail.  And, He is the real person who will make sure that everything conflicting with His words is destroyed, and all that conforms will last for ever.  Terrifying and comforting!  It should be impossible to keep such news a secret!

Eternal God. Thank You that the words of Jesus are not only true for now, but for ever. Forgive me when I have ignored the fact that You have the right and the power to keep all Your promises. Help me to let Christ's words shape my life and my lips, because I know that they define my eternity ... and the future for all my family and friends. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams