Give All You Have to Honour the Lord

Mark 14:6-9
'Leave her alone,' said Jesus. 'Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.' (NIVUK)

When Mary was being harassed by jealous religious materialists, including some of Jesus' closest friends (John 12:4-5), Jesus had the last word!  What a relief it must have been to her.  His explanation also provided her with a previously unknown reason for the spontaneous outpouring of love.  Jesus described the action as beautiful and very timely.  Never again would she be able to express her adoration in this way.  As Jesus explained, her action had anticipated His burial, and He warmly received the outpouring of costly love (Mark 14:3-5).

Judas Iscariot had led a chorus of rebuke to Mary for this apparent waste of precious resources; fine perfumes and spices had an enduring monetary value in those days, like fine wine or works of art today.  Surely poor people were in greater need of the money for which the perfume could have been sold.  Although Jesus put Judas in charge of the money for the poor, the renegade disciple was a thief, helping himself to the accumulated funds (John 12:6).  Mark closely connects this episode with Judas' greedy heart as, within a day, he negotiated thirty pieces of silver for himself (Mark 14:10).

Although there are no prizes from the world if you love Jesus, He does give His reward (1 Corinthians 3:10-14).  Here, He also promises that Gospel proclamation needs to include Mary’s story of faith and love and hope.  It tells of the importance in seizing the moment to tell out how great our love is.  If that is important in human relationships, how much more with Jesus!  Acts of devotion involve all of us, our thoughts, words and deeds.  The apparently unnecessary acts of service or gifts may well be the opportunity of a lifetime to serve Jesus in a special and timely way – the Apostle Paul describes the practical gifts sent to him in prison as ointment poured out in devotion to Christ (Philippians 4:14-18).

Biographies of devoted Christians are always inspirational (some are written for children to inspire the next generation too), and this story is one of them.  It is so important to give what we can to the poor, but it is more essential to honour Jesus by giving Him all we have.  Indeed, charitable giving from the surplus we can afford, might even be a substitute to quieten our conscience - when Jesus demands all that we have (Luke 21:1-4).  This narrative should encourage us never to delay our gifts of service to Jesus, and never be deterred by what the sceptics say about us.  Perhaps you have been prompted to express your love for Jesus in a particular way - if so, don't delay!

Lord Jesus. I do love You. Forgive me for withholding my time and energy, what I own and what I create, what I make and what I store from You. Please enable me to express my devotion to You in ways that will demonstrate the Gospel for Your glory's sake. In Your Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams