Another Misunderstanding

Mark 8:14-16
The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat. 'Be careful,' Jesus warned them. 'Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.' They discussed this with one another and said, 'It is because we have no bread.' (NIVUK)

Despite the miraculous feeding of another 4,000 people, 12 grown men were arguing because they had forgotten to take more than one loaf of bread with them on the boat - even though Jesus was with them in the boat.  

This episode comes after Jesus refuses to perform miracles to be scrutinised by the Pharisees; and prior to that Jesus had fed the 4,000 (Mark 8:1-8).  So, He got into the boat and sailed from Dalmanutha (south of Capernaum on the western shore of Lake Galilee) to Bethsaida on the northern side of the Lake.  As they went along, they realised there was not enough food apart from one loaf of bread.  Their consternation, quite possibly blaming each other for this failure, was obvious to Jesus.  They had tried to get everything right for the trip, but somebody had failed.  Their attitude was like that of the Pharisees, strong on law and weak on grace, but unable to keep the law.     

Jesus warned them (gave them orders) to be always on their guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod.  But they totally misunderstood.  They thought that Jesus was joining in their discussion about bread.  But He was using the common metaphor of yeast as being a small impurity which would have a huge influence in changing the nature of bread.  A small amount of yeast affected the whole dough.  Yeast made the bread taste nicer, but it would go mouldy very quickly and have to be thrown away.  In the same way, the attitude of religious and civic leaders, who demanded a sign from Jesus but were not interested in following Him, could easily infect the disciples too. That is hypocrisy, religious play acting; but the Lord wanted His men to trust Him.  And a breadless moment was a great opportunity!

How easily do we forget past blessings?  What needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!  The absence of immediate provision worries us, even more than the presence of our Saviour comforts us!  We grumble when somebody else forgets what we need; we avoid responsibility for our own shortcomings; we forget God's past blessings; then we may even point the finger at the Lord!  Why?  Surely it is because we are still living as worldlings (even if we do it 'religiously'!).  Surely it is time for repentance and a personal reformation of our lifestyle.  So let's start by thanking the Lord that He is with us, will never leave us, nor forsake us!  Then we can honour Him by asking for His help in meeting our needs.  Then our worship is expressed as we simply trust Him to do so.

Dear Lord. Thank You for past mercies and previous blessings. Forgive me for the habit of worry and blame, when You are right there beside me, at work and at home. Thank You that Your powerful presence is with me right now, and that You promise never to leave me - this day or ever! Help me to trust You in my work and relationships today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams