Spiritual Battle Won

Luke 9:41-43a
‘You unbelieving and perverse generation,’ Jesus replied, ‘how long shall I stay with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.’ Even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father. And they were all amazed at the greatness of God. (NIVUK)

The disciples had failed: and Jesus thoroughly rebuked them for their faithlessness. They had seen so much, and under the authority of Jesus had practised healing the sick and casting out demons, but when the father of a convulsing boy had asked them to heal his child, they had not power to do so. Despite their confession of faith (Luke 9:20) they still did not have a settled faith in the power of the Name of Jesus.

But this devastating rebuke was principally directed towards the child’s father (Mark 9:19) and the bystanders.  Jesus uses the expression ‘unbelieving and perverse generation’ which refers to Deuteronomy 32:20 - in which Israel had abandoned the Rock who had brought them to life (Paul describes that Rock as Christ in 1 Corinthians 10:4).  So, the man, the disciples and all of Israel were all included in the unbelieving generation which turned away from or distorted the truth about, Jesus.  

Although the child’s clinical symptoms described by Doctor Luke point to a diagnosis of epilepsy, Jesus agreed with the father's diagnosis of demonic interference.  This is consistent with Satan's strategy of using any weakness of body, mind or spirit to give the message that he is in charge.  And just to prove the point in front of Jesus, the demon precipitated another convulsion.  Jesus addressed the problem head on.  He sternly addressed the evil spirit, defying his imposter’s authority and banning him from further interference.  Then Jesus healed the physical weakness which gave rise to the convulsions and restored the boy, whole, to his father.  Everybody, especially the disciples were amazed.

One of Satan's most dirty tricks is to invade people's lives at the point of their weakness.  Having stirred sin, sickness and every form of corruption into the world, he then further terrorises those who fall to his temptation or suffer from the effects of sin.  That is how the Evil One continues to trap so many (2 Timothy 2:26).  Only Jesus can release people from such bondage - that is the wonderful message which every believer ought to be able to communicate.  Alas, Satan even manages to hold God's people back from that task by turning our weaknesses into a conviction that we cannot work with God.  Fear of what people think, fear of failure, fear of rejection, feelings of inadequacy, bad experiences in the past, shaky faith - all of these are springboards from which Satan can launch his attack to repress believers and stop them advertising Christ as the only hope for the world. The disciples were a part of their faithless generation, as we are of ours.   May God give us fresh courage to move forward to minister in the Name of Jesus.

Dear Lord. I know that You have all power and authority, but I feel my own weakness so severely and I sometimes allow Satan to convince me that I cannot work with You. Please forgive me when I let the Evil One capitalise on my weaknesses of body, mind or spirit; holding me in fear so that I cannot move forward with You. Please release me from his grip and fill me again with Your Holy Spirit so that I might be free to serve You in whatever way You command. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams