Small Observations

Luke 13:22-23
Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, ‘Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?’ (NIVUK)

How many people did Jesus win during His earthly ministry?  We do not know, but the accounts in the Gospels indicate that after the disciples were called, initially He became popular with the ordinary people but unpopular with the religious people (Luke 4:22-30).  Later on, even those who followed Him also turned away (John 6:66).  At His trial, Jesus had no friend to stand by Him except Father God (John 16:32).

Yet when the eleven trainee apprentices were filled with the Holy Spirit, a great movement of gospel truth started and has now spread all around the world (Acts 2:41).  The promise is that one day, the saving knowledge of God’s glory will cover the earth (Habakkuk 2:14).

However, the huge growth of the kingdom of God is not always obvious to us.  The disciples saw a shrinking crowd, more sceptics and greater opposition (John 10:31-33). And so, they asked if only a few would be saved. Jesus had already said, "… small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:14).  Yet Revelation 7:9 describes the scene in heaven, "After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."  So, whatever we see now is only a tiny part of the whole picture.

Men and women of faith are not limited by what they can see.  Faithful gospel workers sowing the seed of God's Word for a generation may not see much fruit; but the fruit will come (Luke 8:15).  Those who have been persecuted and have lost everything may wonder if it was all worth it; but the fruit will come.  Believers surrounded by unbelievers may feel crushingly isolated; but the fruit will come. Those who publish literature or put gospel truth on the internet may not see any fruit ... but it will come!  So, take courage yet again today; go out in the strength of the Lord!  Whatever you think has or has not been achieved, the Lord of the harvest will ensure that when He reaps it, there will be a multitude of saved people which exceeds any human calculation or observation.  We are called to live by faith: not be discouraged by the small beginnings you see around you (Zechariah 4:10), and look to the far greater harvest on the Day when Jesus Christ returns.

Almighty God. Thank You that you have the authority and power to build Your Kingdom, and nothing and nobody can stand in Your way. Please forgive me for being discouraged sometimes when I see the small progress in gospel fruit around me, or when I think that some new technique will make Jesus more popular. Help me to see that You are in charge of the harvest of souls, and that the numbers in your Kingdom will be enormous. Until that day, help me to be a faithful servant of Jesus Christ in my work and witness wherever I go. Please use me as You choose so that Your Kingdom will grow; and increase my faith that You will bring in a harvest from my labour in the gospel. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams