Sharing the Secret

Luke 8:9-10
His disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, ‘The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘“though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.” (NIVUK)

Some things are too precious to tell everybody.  We only share secrets with those we trust and who need the information (Deuteronomy 29:29).  To test who is really interested, for the right reasons, we might see how people respond to a little of the story.  If they are uninterested, we can move the conversation on: if they show respect and are concerned to know more, we will tell them more.  That is why Jesus spoke in parables (Matthew 13:24).  Truth-seekers recognise the need to understand the meaning of the story, while truth-evaders walk away from the possibility of being exposed by the mirror of truth which Jesus applies to their hearts (John 3:19-21).

The disciples wanted to know more.  That was Jesus' purpose in choosing them (John 15:16).  He wanted these men to be equipped to lead the church: not as priests fulfilling religious rites, but as partners in the 'family business' with God. They needed to be more than faithful servants (John 15:15): it was essential that they understood the mind and heart of God, the basis for His plans and the reasons behind His powerful actions. Others, who could not care, would have no right to share in the salvation-ministry of Christ (Acts 8:21).

When we read in the Bible about God's ‘secrets’ or ‘mysteries’ (1 Corinthians 2:7-11), they are precious truths which God wants to share with people who will receive and honour them.  Many of the ‘mysteries' about Jesus and salvation were in the Old Testament but not explained until Jesus came and the apostles explained the gospel (Colossians 1:25-27).  God does not hide anything good from those who will love Him (Psalm 84:11).  Jesus revealed the secrets of the kingdom to the Twelve (John 17:26) so that they could pass the truth to others (2 Timothy 2:2).

Jesus was not looking for people who knew everything (most of the disciples were uneducated - Acts 4:13), but He chose people who wanted to learn how to minister like Jesus ('disciple' means 'learner').  Those secrets were only for those who wanted to be like their Master.  It is still the same today.  No amount of theological education will make a person holy if they do not have a deep desire to have a heart like that of Jesus (John 5:39-40).  On the other hand, everybody who wants God’s Word to penetrate their lives will find that Jesus reveals more and more about Himself and us too.  Which group are you in?

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You that you are still looking for people who are willing to receive Your truth and share the secrets of Your kingdom. Please forgive me when I do not want Your Word to reform my heart and mind. Help me to welcome what You say so that I can learn and be prepared to receive more. And I pray for those of my friends and family who have resisted Jesus for so long; please help them to repent and be willing to learn from Christ. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams