Salvation's Announcement

Luke 3:15-18
The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. John answered them all, ‘I baptise you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing-floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.’ And with many other words John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them. (NIVUK)

If evangelists advertise their own abilities, and get people to submit to them, something is wrong (Jeremiah 45:5).  They are supposed to announce the Lord Jesus Christ and explain how to submit to His grace.  John the Baptist wanted people to pay attention to his message, and not himself. He was not trying to get people to like him or make him famous, and he was not afraid of talking directly - commanding people to repent of their sin.

In today's passage, John described the Lord Jesus in seven word-pictures.  Firstly, Jesus is more powerful than John who was a prophet appointed by God.  Secondly, He is awesomely holy.  Thirdly, He is qualified to give the Holy Spirit in overwhelming power.  Fourthly, He will clean out impurity by a thorough refinement.  Fifthly, He will come as judge to separate those who love Him from those who resist Him.  Sixthly, He will eternally safeguard those who He saves.  Seventhly, He will personally punish those who refuse to be saved.  Those are accurate descriptions of the purpose for which Jesus came to earth (Colossians 1:15-20).

True evangelism continues to proclaim the real Jesus.  To advertise Him is to bring glory to Him as His kingdom grows. Without power, He is no stronger than us.  Without holiness He is no better than us.  Without the life-giving Spirit, He is no more empowering than us.  Without the ability to cleanse, He is no more than a moral teacher.  Without judgement, He is no more than an advisor.  Without being able to keep those who love Him, He is not a saviour.  Without the ability to punish, He has no ultimate authority.  So why do so many want to water down the real Jesus, allow Him to be one of many ways to God and accept His moral teaching without the power to put it into practice?  The answer is found in sinful human nature, which wants to use God rather than obey Him, to have Him under our control instead of the other way around.  They foolishly misunderstand God’s patience in leading them to repentance for indifference (Romans 2:4-8).

John the Baptist would have none of that, and neither should we.  The real Jesus validates the real gospel which results in real heaven and hell.  Do not let anyone drag you away from the prize of knowing that Jesus and submitting to Him.  2 Timothy 1:12 reminds us that when we know Him, we have confidence for every day because we know that our Saviour will certainly keep us safe.  So, do not be afraid or ashamed to advertise the real Jesus.  You have been placed uniquely to make Christ known to your friends and colleagues.  When they understand who Jesus really is, they will be amazed.  You are not John the Baptist, but you have the same Jesus to announce.  Embrace the challenge, for Christ's sake!

Almighty God. Thank You that Jesus has been uniquely equipped to be my Saviour. There is nobody like Him in power, majesty, authority, and glory. It is such a privilege to be loved by Him, and I worship Him. Forgive me for making myself look important when I serve You, when all the glory should go to You. Help me to value the privilege of knowing the Lord of creation and the Lord of Glory. Help me to accept the responsibility of letting others know who Jesus really is, and to take every opportunity to speak of my Saviour and advertise Him to others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams