Joy in Ministry

Luke 10:17-20
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.’ He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.’ (NIVUK)

At the end of their time on mission, in twos going to different towns and villages (Luke 10:1-16), the 72 trainee missionaries return for a report-back session.  They were so excited because they had seen the powerful effect of speaking God's Word.  Most surprisingly they found that demons submitted to the command to ‘go in Jesus' Name’.  And the Lord affirmed that what they had experienced was real - Satan's authority had been toppled.  

Jesus explained that their many remarkable experiences were the result of His authority which had been delegated to them ... their message was His message and had the same effect.  Their mission was to announce deliverance to those who had been held by the devil.  The enemy was Jesus’ enemy.  They went with Jesus’ authority and the demons could stay no longer to terrorise and weaken the people in their grip.  At the same time, the disciples were kept safe through the same power of Jesus.

They were tempted to think that they had achieved spiritual greatness because of their 'success' in these power encounters.  But Jesus gently rebuked that idea.  They should not take their joy from their ministry (those who do so will also take discouragement from apparent 'failures'); rather their joy should be based on the fact that they were privileged to be a part of God's kingdom.

Without this teaching from Jesus, we might also fall into the same traps.  Be clear about this: you are not God's servant because you are better than others but because He chose you.  You are not effective in ministry because of your skills but because His Word is powerful.  You are not able to confront the darkness around you because you have special powers of control, but because God's Word is His sword, whoever wields it.  If any of these self-empowering thoughts have pushed their way to the front of your mind, repent, resist and deny them any more air-time.  Instead, humbly give thanks that you belong to the Lord and that He has entrusted you to declare His Word.

Almighty God. Thank You for Your gracious interventions in my life, and especially for bringing me to trust in Jesus through the gospel message. Thank You for loving me and making me a part of Your family - one of Your trusted servants. Please forgive me whenever I pride myself on any spiritual achievement, because I know that all the honour and glory should go to You. Help me to learn how to be confident that You will give me the ability to minister in Your Name, and at the same time to know that I cannot take any credit for the power You release to achieve Your purposes. Keep me grateful for Your grace to me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams