Demonic Confrontation

Luke 8:26-28
They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, ‘What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!’ (NIVUK)

A stormy boat trip had just taught the disciples that Jesus had divine authority over the forces of nature (Luke 8:22-25).  Arriving at the rugged and unpopulated shore which had become a burial ground, the Twelve were with Jesus for His next appointment, and their next lesson in understanding Jesus’ identity as He took authority over demons.  When they landed, the naked demonised man met them.  He was unable to live near people, they could not control him and did not want him; demonically robbed of his dignity, community and sanity, he lived in isolation and slept among the graves of the dead.  It was his long-term restless lifestyle to which he had become accustomed.

The arrival of Jesus challenged the authority of the evil spirits which had controlled the man (Luke 8:30).  They knew who Jesus was even though the disciples did not.  The Son of the Most High God had invaded their space and they knew that He had the power to cast them out into a prolonged and painful destruction.  The manipulated man screamed out in his tortured state, the demons using his voice because they recognised who Jesus was and were in terror of what He might do to them.  The evil spirits knew they were at Jesus' mercy but also wanted to bargain with Him to remain in control of the man.  The intrinsic confusion, which exists within everything that is evil, was pouring out of the man's mouth (Matthew 15:11-19).

Jesus was quite clear.  The evil spirit must leave the man.  For too long it had given him destructive power; for too long had the man been isolated from truth to be consumed by Satan’s lies.  Evil has no integrity.  Those who allow evil to rule in their hearts end up believing their own lies and think that they can bargain with God.  Generally speaking, the demonised do not refuse to believe in God, but they deny His right to rule over them (Luke 19:14).  That is both the reason for, and the effect of, demonic infestation.  That is why they pleaded with Jesus not to dislodge them.

As this narrative unfolds, we shall see that Jesus Christ is totally in command and that Satan cannot defy Him.  Like the disciples, it is important for us to know that their Master was not just a teacher and healer.  God’s plan was always for Jesus to enter the place where Satan has presumed to rule, and to release captives from His grip, rescuing them from anguish today, the hopelessness of death and terrors of hell tomorrow (Hebrews 2:14-15).  That is why the gospel is such good news: Jesus came to save sinners who are incapable of releasing themselves from Satan's grip.  The Lord Jesus Christ still has that power today.  Your testimony of being released may give hope to others who are struggling and point them to the salvation which is only possible through Christ. 

Almighty God. Thank You that Jesus deliberately confronted the agents of Satan and won. Please forgive me when I accept the devil's lies and allow myself to be confused, half-agreeing that Jesus has the right to rule, and half-believing that evil will be an easier way. Please alert me to these compromised areas of my life and give me the grace to call on Your help. Please cleanse me from all wickedness and enable me to live in the power of the Spirit, to Your praise and glory - and so that others at work and at home may see that they too can be set free from the grip of sin. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams