Basic Prayer

Luke 11:3
Give us each day our daily bread. (NIVUK)

Some people are reluctant to pray for their own needs.  They somehow think that it is selfish and God would not be pleased.  But this verse tells us that it is right to pray for the basic necessities of life: indeed, we should do so every day.  Of course, God knows that we need them (Matthew 6:32) but we should never take them for granted. Each day needs a fresh supply, like Manna in the wilderness (Exodus 16:4), and it is a part of Father God's kindness to provide them for us.

So, why do we need to pray for them, especially as God knows our needs before we ask Him (Matthew 6:8)?  The best answer is that Jesus tells us to do so!  God's provision comes with His love.  It is intended to be a relational gift and not simply a functional supply.  Father God wants us to ask, so that when He gives, we might respond in a loving relationship of enjoying His provision with thankfulness (Matthew 7:11).

But surely, we have a responsibility to provide for our own needs and those of our family. Yes! 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 is quite clear that we should work hard and not be lazy. But even when we have done our work, got our money and bought our food - it is God who has enabled the food to grow, He has given us work, the strength to do it and the money as a reward for our labour.  We therefore have no right to presume that we do not need Father God's kindness and help.  Those who think like that are fools, according to Jesus in Luke 12:16-21.

Today's verse is a fresh call to recognise our dependency on God for everything.  It warns us away from the complacency of presuming we have all we need, and the arrogance of self-sufficiency.  It also teaches us to think simply about life: if all the 'extras' of life should be stripped away, we will have enough because we can ask the Lord to give us all we need.  It should help us to be grateful for the 'little things' without despising any of them.  Praying like this will also help us to live one day at a time, instead of alternating our concentration between the regrets/achievements of yesterday and the hopes/fears of tomorrow.  As Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 "... do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."   So do pray each day that God will supply your needs that day, and be confident, satisfied and thankful!

Dear Lord. Thank You for the simplicity of the instruction in this verse. Please forgive me for the many times I have presumed upon Your kindness or assumed that I have all the resources needed to meet each day's needs. So today, I ask that You please provide my basic needs, and that I will develop a heart which is ready to give You thanks. Thank You for my strength, work, money, family and friends: I believe that they are all Your special gifts to me. May I have large eyes to see the kindness and timeliness of Your provision to me and my family today; and a simplicity of spirit which is never too proud to ask You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams