The Vine, The Gardener And The Branches

John 15:1-4
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." (NIV)

Jesus was speaking to His disciples who would soon be the leaders of the church. Using the imagery of a vine, He taught the disciples that they had to be closely related to Him. They often saw vines, which were an essential part of Israel’s economy, and they would have remembered that the nation had been described as a useless vine (Hosea 10:1-2). Now Jesus likened Himself to a new vine-stem which was rooted in the ground. It is not particularly attractive – the branches (all those who believe in Jesus) often look better and they bear the grapes. But if the branches are not connected to the vine they have no independent life, and so they wither and die.
Surprisingly, Father God does not allow uncontrolled growth in the true church (which comes only from Jesus who is the ‘True Vine’). The Father has the right to say which branches shall flourish and which will be cut back. Useless branches are cut off and potentially fruitful branches are pruned so that they may grow stronger. The pruning (‘cleaning’) makes the branch ready to grow into a strong fruiting spur. That pruning comes when believers are convicted by God’s Word to allow change in their hearts and lifestyles. Believers, who are willing to be disciplined by His Word, will be spiritually productive as long as they are securely joined to the vine-stem.
Although there are many temptations to be independent of Jesus, they will all lead to spiritual decay. They will be a waste of time and waste of space. Jesus cannot bring His new life to others through people who refuse to stay closely connected to Him – either through proud self-seeking or by carelessly allowing distractions to pull them away from Jesus. Although there is much to do for Him, we can achieve nothing lasting without Him. So Christ’s command to every believer is to stay close to Him so that His life can flow through them – changing their desires and enabling them to discipline their lives so that Jesus always comes first and is not replaced by anything or anybody else. If we remain in Him, He will remain in us. So re-evaluate your life-priorities; if Jesus, His Word and His Kingdom, His people and His church do not control your agenda, plead for His mercy and ask that He will change your heart.

Lord of the Harvest. Thank You that all true spiritual life flows from Jesus and from no other source. I am sorry when I have allowed myself to be overwhelmed by busy activity, or diverted by distractions, that I have failed to prioritise my relationship with Jesus. Please search my heart and show me what is preventing me from being close to Him, and give me a renewed desire to let Your Word be at work in my life, so that I may be fruitful in Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams