The crucifixion of Jesus would bring huge grief to the disciples, Jesus’ mother and family, and others who loved Him. It was an enormous grief to Jesus too. He had to endure the cross alone, with its shame and pain, but He was strengthened by the knowledge of the joy of heaven ahead (Hebrews 12:2). The same principle is given in these verses to the trainee apostles: the grief comes first, the joy comes later. Just like in child birth: first the pain and then the joy.
However, the cross produced a different reaction in the Lord’s enemies. They rejoiced over His suffering and gloated over His humiliation (Psalm 22:17). So, the death of Christ brought two radically different responses, and two radically different destinies. The resurrection of Jesus, which brought such joy to the disciples, was the crushing defeat for Satan. It also announced the utter misery of those who continue to reject the Saviour and wake up in a Christless eternity. They choose the self-centred joy of pushing Jesus away, and earn the everlasting grief of hell.
That principle is still true. Those who resist, despise and reject Jesus and the salvation He offers, have no hope, joy or peace in eternity. But, despite sufferings of different kinds, everybody who welcomes Jesus can confidently look forward to His promised eternal joy. These contrasts are at the heart of the gospel. They pivot on how every person responds to Jesus. Those who welcome Him have joy ahead to sustain them through suffering; those who refuse to submit to the Saviour Christ enjoy themselves now, but forfeit the joy of heaven for ever. Such stark eternal contrasts should urge us to tell the Christless world of His love and mercy, inviting them to surrender their hearts to Him while there is still time. It many be helpful to use to tell the gospel story, and to help family, friends and colleagues to focus on Jesus.