Three Together Is One

John 16:15-16
"... All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me." (NIV)

Jesus owns all that belongs to God the Father. The Holy Spirit does not give His independent opinion on anything but expresses the truth from Jesus, direct to people’s hearts. And the Father expresses Himself to people through the Spirit and the Son. The wonderful truth about the relationship between God the Father, Son and Spirit is that They are One in thought and purpose, and They work seamlessly together as Almighty God.

Although Jesus would be physically removed from being alongside the disciples, to go to the Father (John 15:16), when the Holy Spirit came to be inside each of them they would continue to explore and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

God has arranged Himself in such a way that nobody has any excuse to say they could not get to know Him. Unlike many religious philosophies, which demand particular codes of behaviour or pious activity, God has enabled us to come directly to Himself through Jesus Christ, as the Holy Spirit explains the gospel to our hearts. Although we live thousands of years after Christ, we can still get to know Jesus and experience all the blessings of God as the Holy Spirit brings us to know the truth and helps us to trust Jesus. Although it might seem rather complicated to us, God does all the arranging; we just have to come in faith and humility!

Self-revealing God. Thank You for the wonderful way in which You make it possible for me to know You as I grow to know and love Jesus. I am sorry when I ignore You and try to live a Christian life by keeping a set of rules instead of relating with Your Son Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. Please help me to marvel at the wonder of being called into Your family. May I value that privilege and learn to grow in relationship with You each day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams