Although we rightly think that we are not worthy of receiving anything good from God, His grace gives us so much which we do not deserve. Jesus prayed specifically that we should have the right to be with Him in heaven, and be allowed to see the fullness of His glory.
The promise of being with Jesus for eternity has sustained many believers through times of trouble and suffering. The sadness and evil of this world is not the whole story. God the Son had always shared in the glory of the Father before creation was started. That glory is partly expressed in our beautiful planet, but it has been spoiled. One day, we shall see, enjoy and worship in the extreme glory of God - and be allowed to share in it with Jesus for ever (Romans 8:17).
It is a great mistake to assume that there is nothing more than what we see or experience. That is one of Satan’s most effective lies. The future is known only to God (demonic predictions are lies, designed to give us the confidence to make wrong decisions); so when He promises that we will join Jesus in His glory, we can be certain that the best is yet to come.