Praying For The Church Not The World

John 17:9
I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. (NIV)

It may seem strange that Jesus did not pray for the world, and even wanted to make that clear to the disciples who listened to His prayer. But why? Surely Jesus came because God loved the world so much that those who believe in Him would have eternal life (John 3:16). Would Jesus not want to pray that the world would believe in Him? But how would they believe in Him? God’s chosen method was through the witness of those who already believed (Romans 10:14-17).

The role of the apostles was crucial. They had been with Jesus and when He left the world they would have the responsibility of telling the world about Him. As they did, the Holy Spirit would energise their words and apply them to the hearers. Those who believed would be saved. That is why the Lord Jesus did not pray for the world. Nobody can turn to Christ unless they hear the gospel. So Jesus prayed for the disciples (‘learners’) who He had commissioned as apostles (‘sent ones’ or ‘missionaries’). He prayed that they would stay true, keep ‘on message’ and not give up.

It is the same today. Although gospel hearted people long that whole countries might believe in Jesus, primarily we need to pray for the gospel messengers. These men and women may not be church leaders but they are God’s reservoir of gospel truth. But unless they stay true to Jesus, and encourage others to put their trust in Him, the church of Jesus Christ will not grow in that place. That is why we need to pray for other believers, even those we do not know personally - that they will know the security of Jesus, live in a way that is pleasing to Jesus and recommend Him to their friends and colleagues. In many places it is tough to witness for Christ; they need our prayers and His courage.

Lord of the church. Thank You for the gospel message, which I have believed and through which I have been saved. Forgive me for not thinking or praying about believers all over the world who You have appointed to witness about Jesus Christ. Some of them are in danger and others are locked behind their own fears. Please help them to know that they are secure in You, and there is great power in the gospel. Please help them to release the gospel wherever they travel, live and work. I pray for myself and believers I know, that we will also be purposeful and bold in sharing the gospel of Jesus. In His Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams