Open To The Truth

John 9:35-38
Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" "Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell me so that I may believe in him." Jesus said, "You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you." Then the man said, "Lord, I believe," and he worshipped him. (NIV)

'Banned from worshipping God' - that was the verdict of the Pharisees on the blind man who Jesus had healed. They were envious of Jesus: His following, His authority and His miraculous signs; they hated Him because He was starting to win the hearts of the people, and they were not. They claimed to be the gatekeepers of worship but closed the door on those who trusted Jesus. And they could not see who Jesus was because they loved themselves.
The man, who could now see for the first time in his life, thought very differently. He knew that Jesus was from God but to know more than that, he needed Jesus to reveal Himself to him. And Jesus did. He found the man, who must have been sad to have been banned from public worship, and asked him if he believed in the Messiah (Son of Man was the name for the Messiah in Daniel 7:13). So the man asked who the Messiah might be ... and Jesus revealed His identity. Immediately the man not only believed but fell down and worshipped Jesus. And Jesus made no protest because He was God and knew He was worthy to be worshipped.
There are two sorts of people. Those who are open to the truth about Jesus and those who refuse to see who He is. The 'refusers' cannot see Him because they love themselves. They never ask Him any serious question about His identity and either ignore Him, ridicule Him or hate Him; they have no intention of obeying Him. Others, like the man in this narrative, want to find out who Jesus is, and when they do - they worship Him as Lord and Saviour. Wonderfully, He always cares for those who trust Him, and will never leave them totally isolated; He will come to them and be with them (John 14:23): He will reveal Himself to them and stir their worship. So if you are cast out by others, remember that the Father, Son and Spirit have promised to come to you and stay with you. And please pray for those whose faith and obedience has isolated them from their community - that they will draw close to Jesus in worship.

Loving Lord. Thank You for drawing me to Yourself, and explaining who You are, as I read the Bible. I am sorry when my faith has caused others to leave me, but I am glad that You come after me with truth to comfort me. I particularly pray for those whose love of Jesus has left them isolated from their family and friends. Please come to them afresh with Your love and truth so that they may be sustained in their difficulties. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams