Get Ready To Receive

John 20:21-23
Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." (NIV)

Jesus had come through the locked doors. Only one day previously, the disciples had no hope because they thought Jesus was dead. Their whole lives had been bound to His: His work was their work and His presence was their peace. And that was going to continue. But there would be a big difference. Jesus was alive but with a resurrection body; He would appear among them and then disappear as He chose over the next 39 days – getting them ready for His ascension.
However, Jesus had promised not to leave the disciples alone (John 14:15-18). The Holy Spirit would come. He would breathe the life of Jesus into them, so Jesus commanded them to welcome the Holy Spirit. The work of Jesus had not come to an end, it would be continued by the Holy Spirit working through the disciples. In the same way that the Father had sent the Son to announce God’s kingdom, Jesus commissioned His disciples to continue the mission. They were to announce that all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven.
The same instructions come to us. The Holy Spirit is promised and given to every child of God; but He must be received and welcomed. He will give us power to do all that Jesus wants us to do, but we need to cooperate with the Spirit. Each day He wants to use us in His mission to the world, announcing that every sin can be forgiven for those who believe in Jesus. He wants our faith to be vibrantly relating to Him so that we can work flexibly with Him in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us welcome Him today and every day, consciously in tune with Him so that we can work alongside Him.

Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit so that I can know the presence of Jesus with me every day. Forgive me for taking Him for granted and not welcoming Him every day, nor relying on His power to serve You. Please help me to realise the great privilege You have given me to continue the mission of Jesus in the places where I live and work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams