Human nature puts all its effort into achieving greatness for itself, to become its own ‘god’ or to construct ‘gods’ that encourage our ego (Philippians 3:18-19). Yet Jesus says that it all counts for nothing (Philippians 3:7-9). Only God's Spirit brings people to new life in Christ (John 3:5-6). The Spirit teaches us and enables us to hear the voice of God in the Scriptures (John 15:12-15). The Spirit has divine power and the wisdom which are lacking in human flesh, and He has authority from the Father to bring people to Jesus.
God knows everything; even identifying those who will continue to refuse His love, and those who will submit to Jesus. However, religious people are tempted to enjoy religious 'games' in which the flesh (our human nature) is glorified as we set up and then achieve our own attainable religious goals. Others are profoundly disappointed with themselves or God or both, as they fail to achieve their spiritual objectives using their own energy.
This teaching by Jesus was a pivot point in the gospel narrative. Jesus’ early popularity which surrounded the miracles had been extinguished as He taught that He had come from heaven and that He would suffer. Jesus did not fit into their idea of a hero deliverer, and many of them went away from Him. Later Jesus asked the 12 disciples if they would also leave, knowing that Judas Iscariot would betray Him (John 6:67-71).
Many people try hard to live moral lives and are insulted when they are told that they cannot get to God by their own effort or good deeds. It is like telling them that they are not good enough or worthy of God's approval: and that is exactly true! None of us can achieve the perfection required in the flesh. We need God's Spirit to change us from the inside, as we admit our sin and failure. We need Him to give us new life in Christ. We need God's power to live in a way which pleases Him. We cannot witness to the grace of Christ without the Spirit's help. If we insist on doing it all ourselves, we will fail. It is the same today: those who want to follow Jesus on their own terms and in their own energy will never last the course. So, let us ensure that we put pride aside and submit our weakness to Him.