It is a bold statement for Jesus to claim that Father God had already spoken clearly about His Son. The religious leaders of the day had never heard God’s audible voice, but His Voice still kept calling to all who would listen – from His Word. That Word written down in the scriptures validated Jesus, His person, His work, and His words (John 14:10).
Jesus was never afraid of telling the truth. He was not ashamed to say that the Scriptures all pointed towards Himself (Luke 24:27). The Old Testament is full of references to Jesus Christ; and more than 400 prophecies have already been fulfilled. And Jesus said that those words were the way in which Father God spoke to prepare people to meet His Son (Hebrews 1:1-3).
But when Jesus came, only a few recognised who He was. That was because most had not taken God's Word to their hearts. They had viewed Scripture as a set of rules and not as messages from Father God in heaven. Yes, the religious people studied the Scriptures: but they were not changed by what they read, nor did they have any desire for Jesus. They knew that the secret of eternal life was contained in the Law of God, but they did not accept that Jesus was the person to unlock the secret (Colossians 1:25-27). They said they loved God's Word but refused to come to Jesus and be saved.
Theology is a fascinating academic subject, and Bible verses may be inspiring and comforting. But without Jesus they cannot make ultimate sense, and you cannot know God. The Son of God was the Creator, is the Sustainer and will be the Judge of all people. But all that information means little until people believe in Him as their Saviour God. In our 'information-rich' age, where knowledge is available at one click, our friends and colleagues need to encounter the person who makes the Bible come alive - Jesus! Indeed, the testimony of so many is that it was only after they believed in Jesus and submitted their lives to Him, that the Bible made sense - as though God Himself was speaking to them – and that is exactly what was happening!