Being Known

John 16:29-31
Then Jesus' disciples said, "Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God." "You believe at last!" Jesus answered. (NIV)

The essence of intimacy is to know that we are known. Jesus had just answered the questions the disciples had been discussing, but had not asked Him. When they realised that He knew their private conversation, their thoughts, doubts, questions and fears; they wondered - who else could have known other than God? The miracles had not fully convinced them, nor had the wisdom of His teaching; but when He revealed their own deep internal thoughts they knew that God understood them in an intimate way.

Intimacy is not essentially about appreciating what people do, knowing their likes and dislikes, or knowing how to get what we want out of them: it is about believing who they are. Jesus did not come to be popular but to be trusted at a deep personal level. In His final hours before the cross, the disciples were starting to see His divine nature – because they began to understand that He knew them intimately. In the future, their work would be to witness about Jesus. The Holy Spirit would convince them that God knew everything about them and that they needed Jesus to save them.

The pressure of life in most cities demands that we are maximally productive. Often we are only known by what we do. However God’s knowledge of us is radically different. Of course, He knows what we do; but more importantly He knows why we do it and who we really are. He even knows us better than we understand ourselves. So why do we not trust Him more? Have we forgotten that He knows us far better than any human being? He sees both our past and our future; He understands all our deep desires (both good and bad); He knows all the questions we ask and all those we do not dare to ask – and despite all that, He goes on loving us. If all that is true and it is - trust Him today. Trust Him to forgive your sins, to give you strength, to give you wisdom, to guide your decisions, to help you to serve Him better and to love Him more.

God of truth and love. Thank You for loving me although You know all about me. I am glad that You do know everything, and that Your good purpose is to lead me towards a new intimacy with You. I am sorry when I have assumed that You do not understand me, or when I think that I am defined by what I do. Please forgive me for falling to the devil’s temptations, focussing on myself and what I do, rather than trusting You and enjoying the right of intimacy You have given to all Your children. Please help me to open all of myself to You, trusting You to lead me well. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Bible Book

© Dr Paul Adams